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Interest Level: 3-6
Reading Level: 4.5
Lexile: 610L
Genre: Realistic Fiction/Adventure
Twelve-year-old Jonathan Grisby has been sent to the Slabhenge Reformatory School for Troubled Boys, a former lunatic asylum which is currently run by a sadist who enjoys punishing the boys and setting them against each other; but when a lightning strike kills all the adults the boys find themselves suddenly free--and trapped on Scar Island which seems to be sinking into the ocean.
I highly recommend this book for 3rd through 8th grade students. The story was compelling. I became invested in the characters and cared about what would happen to them.
Interest Level: 3-6
Reading Level: 5.1
Lexile: 730L
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Chase does not remember falling off the roof, in fact he does not remember anything about himself, and when he gets back to middle school he begins to learn who he was through the reactions of the other kids--trouble is, he really is not sure he likes the Chase that is being revealed, but can he take the opportunity amnesia has provided and restart his life?
I loved the idea of the character Chase making a 180 and turning his life around. I, also, like the fact that Korman included that falling back into Chase's old life would be the easiest thing to do. I found myself routing for the new Chase. I highly recommend this book to 3rd through 10th graders.
Interest Level: YA
Reading Level: 4.4
Lexile: 600HL
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Twelve year old Fern feels invisible. Mom is busy with Fern's baby brother, Charlie, the house or the family restaurant. Eighteen year old, Sarah is working in the family restaurant during her gap year and being a major grump. Fourteen year old Holden is being bullied at school and three year old Charlie is the center of the universe. But then tragedy strikes- and Fern feels not only more alone than ever, but also responsible for the accident that has wrenched her family apart.
I cried. I laughed. I LOVE this book. Having lost a sibling, I found this story very easy to relate to. I highly recommend this book to middle school students and into adulthood.
Interest Level: 5-8
Reading Level: 5.2
Lexile: 670L
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Malu (Maria Luisa) loves punk music, zines and her Dad's record shop. When her mom gets a new job that will take them away from her Dad for the next two years, Malu thinks her life is over. A new school with a dress code, no friends and no connection to her Mexican culture, Malu feels adrift and alone. Will Malu find a way to fit in? Will she make friends?
I recommend this book. I liked the message of finding one's people and not needing to conform.
Interest Level: 5-8
Reading Level: 5.6
Lexile: 700L
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Aven Green is a spunky, funny middle school girl who happens to have been born without arms. When her father gets a job managing an old rundown western theme park, Aven must move across country away from her friends and the only life she has ever known. Her new life at the Stagecoach Pass holds a mystery that Aven is drawn to solve.
I highly recommend this book. I found it funny, touching and relate-able.
Interest Level: YA
Reading Level: NR
Lexile: NR
Genre: Graphic Novel / Memoir
Shing Yin Khor grew up in Malaysia and had no idea what "America" meant. To find out Shing journeys from Santa Monica, California to Chicago, Illinois with her small dog.
Although this was an enjoyable story, I don't think middle school students will find it very interesting. Because of that, I give it 4 and not 5 stars.
Interest Level: 5-8
Reading Level: 4.0
Lexile: 610L
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Timothy's brother is very sick and has a lot of medical expenses. His father has left. His mother works long hours and takes care of Levi, Timothy's brother. Timothy steals to help his family and lands himself on house arrest. His therapist and patrol officer have him keep a journal. That journal is this book.
This book in verse is truthful and funny. I give this book 5 stars and highly recommend it.
Interest Level: 5-8
Reading Level: 4.0
Lexile: 680L
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Viji has decided that living on the streets of Chennai, India is better for her sister Rukku and herself than staying with their abusive father. This book tells of the sisters journey from abuse to the streets and beyond. They meet two homeless boys who become brothers to them.But when sickness strikes, Viji must make some tough decisions about their freedom and their health.
I recommend this book but give it four and a half stars instead of five because I was disappointed that it wasn't set in America. I was looking for a fictional book on homeless children.
Interest Level: 3-6
Reading Level: 5.2
Lexile: 800L
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Ms. Bixby is "one of the good ones". She is the 6th grade teacher that all the student's hope they get. To Brand, Steve, and Topher she is amazing. Ms. Bixby has made an impact on each of them in her own way. So when she tells her class that she is very sick and won't be able to finish the school year, the boys plan a special day for Ms. Bixby.
This heartwarming fun story literal brought tears to my eyes. Ms. Bixby is the kind of educator I want to be and to be able to have the kind of positive impact on students that Ms. Bixby had on Brand, Steve, and Topher that she did.
Interest Level: 5-8
Reading Level: 5.8
Lexile: 770L
Genre: Realistic Fiction
In this sequel to "Surviving the Applewhites", the Applewhites decide to handle some financial difficulties by holding a summer camp for the artistic student. Six campers and the Applewhites must join together to stop the state from closing the camp they have all grown to love.
A good story, great characters, just not a book that makes you want to carry it around it case you might have a minute to read a page or two.
Lawn Boy
by Gary Paulsen
Interest Level: 3-6
Reading Level: 4.3
Lexile: 710L
Genre: Realistic Fiction
I recommend this book. It is a great story and a quick read.
The Brooklyn Nine
by Alan Gratz
Interest Level: 5-8
Reading Level: 5.8
Lexile: 840L
Genre: Historical Fiction
I highly recommend this book. I loved it. If you love baseball, you'll love it too. If you don't love baseball you may still like this book.
Forget Me Not
by Ellie Terry
Interest Level: 5-8
Reading Level: 3.5
Lexile: HL670L
Genre: Realistic Fiction/Novel in Verse
I really like this book as well. I gave a copy to Mrs. Roby because I liked it so much.

by Jimmy Casas
Interest Level: Adult
Reading Level: NR
Lexile: NR
Genre: Professional Reference
I got a lot of useful information from this book. I would recommend it to anyone that works with children. Some of it could even transfer to an adult work environment.
Interest Level: 3-6
Reading Level: 5.1
Lexile: 810L
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Julia is short for her age - very short. She'd like to fade into the scenery. She doesn't want to stand out. She doesn't want to be noticed. She won't even use the work "short". Then Julia gets a part in a semi-professional production of "The Wizard of Oz". Julia becomes friends with an adult cast member with dwarfism and Julia's talented elderly neighbor. Soon, Julia grows in ways that are far beyond her height.
This book is a sweet coming of age tale. Julia grows in many ways during the summer if not for height. I am glad that I purchased this book for the library and would recommend it to all my middle school readers. The only thing that denied this book a full 5 stars was that I wasn't compelled to carry it around with me.
Interest Level: Young Adult
Reading Level: NR
Lexile: NR
Genre: Dystopian Fiction
In a post-Second Civil War lawless West, sharpshooter Serendipity "Pity" Jones stars in, and lives at, the Theater Vespertine, but there is a dark cost to her life in Cessation that Pity may not be willing to pay. I found this dystopian tale very entertaining. In my opinion its audience is 11th grade to adult. Although I will not be purchasing it for the middle school library, I do recommend it for the older reader.
Interest Level: 5-8
Reading Level: 5.0
Lexile: 920L
Genre: Historical Fiction
Ten year old Kenny Watson and his family the Weird Watsons travel from Flint, Michigan to Birmingham, Alabama in the summer of 1963. Kenny and his siblings have not experienced 'colored only' drinking fountains or bathrooms. The Watson parents that Alabama will be a wake-up call for their eldest son Byron. His delinquent ways have his parents worried. They may get more than they bargained for.
This book is on the reading list for 7th graders. I listen to the audio book. I wanted to listen to the book as well as read it because it was read by LeVar Burton. He did an excellent job. I hope he reads more young adult titles very soon. I highly recommend this book especially the audio version.
Interest Level: Young Adult
Reading Level: 5.6
Lexile: 790L
Genre: Biography
Caitlin, a typical American middle school girl, and Martin, a poor boy from Zimbabwe, become pen pals. The friendship that develops is deep and changes them both of their lives. This book begins in 1997 with their first letter and ends eighteen years later. It is a heartwarming tale that will inspire the reader to try to make a difference in the life of someone other than themselves.
I highly recommend this book. A quick read. I read it in a week and I am a slow reader.
Interest Level: Adult
Reading Level: NR
Lexile: NR
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Mimi, a famous reclusive author and the mother of a very unique nine year old boy, loses her money in a Ponzi scheme and needs to write another novel quick. Alice, a editorial assistant, is assigned to help Mimi type pages and deliver coffee. Instead, she ends up becoming Mimi's son's, Frank, Nanny. Frank's "IQ is higher than 99.7% of the American public's." He dresses like he is a movie star from the 1930's. This boy who has nothing in common with his peers will simply capture your heart.
Although I won't be purchasing it for the middle school library, I do recommend this book for high school students and adults. I enjoyed it so much that I am planning on asking for it back if and when I loan it to a friend. I hope to read it again some day; and I never reread books.
Interest Level: 3-6
Reading Level: 5.5
Lexile: 810L
Genre: Realistic Fiction
This dystopian romance tells the tale of Sloan and James and their fight to stay together. Teenage suicide has become an epidemic. The Program is a treatment that claims to have found a cure. The problem is that along with the desire to end your life, you also lose any memory the program sees as harmful.
I read this book during a time in switch someone close to me was struggling with suicide. Although it was probably not the best time to read it, I found myself drawn into the story. I will probably end up reading the next book in the trilogy. I recommend this book to high school students and older. I will not be purchasing this book for the middle school library.
Interest Level: 3-6
Reading Level: 5.5
Lexile: 810L
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Frankie and Walter aren’t really running away. Just like the kids in their favorite book, they are running to somewhere. Specifically, a massive furniture store. They’ve been obsessed with the Ikea catalog for years. So they make a plan, pack their backpacks, give their parents the sleepover switcheroo . . . and they’re in. All they want is one night all on their own, with no grown-ups or little brothers. One night of couch jumping, pillow forts, and unlimited soda refills. One night of surprises and twinkle lights and secrets they have been keeping—and waiting to share. One unforgettable night in Ikea.
This is a cute story with a serious message. I think that it would appeal more to 3rd through 6th graders.
Interest Level: Adult
Reading Level: NR
Lexile: NR
Genre: Historical Fiction
In 1819 Rachel Kalama comes down with leprosy. She is seven years old. Taken away from her family and everything she knows, she is set to Kalaupapa, the leper colony on the island of Moloka'i. This book follows Rachel as she finds a new family in this unlikely place. Vivid scenery and character touch the reader. This book is NOT appropriate for middle school students but I highly recommend it to adults.
Interest Level: Young Adult
Reading Level: 4.6
Lexile: 760L
Genre: Fantasy
In the Llanfair Mountains lives Auntie who has fairy blood and therefore can not tell a lie. She lives with her two adopted 16 year old daughters: Maren, who arrived in a seashell and Clara, who was brought by a stork. Once scales start to appear beneath Maren's skin the girls must get her to the ocean before she dies. With their brother, their journey to the sea is full of adventure and danger.
Although it moves a little slow in spots, I recommend this book to anyone who likes fantasies and mermaids.
Interest Level: Young Adult
Lexile: 900L
Genre: Autobiography
Reading Level: 6.4
This is the story of two brothers, Vincent and Theo Van Gogh. Theo, the younger brother, is Vincent's protector, provider, and friend. The two brothers are so close they are practically one. Throughout their struggles, the brothers shared everything, stories of lovers and friends, successes and disappointments, dreams and ambitions in the 658 plus letters Vincent wrote to Theo during his lifetime. A powerful tale of two great men and the trials they face. I do not usually read non-fiction, finding the style of writing slow and unimpressive. Perhaps, I knew enough about Vincent Van Gogh to keep me interested or maybe my love of history kept me involved. I do recommend this book to anyone who has an interest in history, art, or Vincent Van Gogh.
Interest Level: Adult
Reading Level: Adult
Lexile: NR
Genre: Autobiography
Mindy Kaling is an actress, a playwright, and a television comedy writer. This book takes the reader on a tour of Mindy's life and her opinions on romance, friendship, and show-business. Mindy is the girl next door; an obedient child of immigrant professionals, a timid chubster afraid of her own bike, an actress prone to starting fights with her friends and coworkers.
Mindy shares what she thinks makes a great best friend (someone who will fill your prescription in the middle of the night), or what makes a great guy (one who is aware of all elderly people in any room at any time and acts accordingly), or what is the perfect amount of fame (so famous you can never get into any trouble with the law).
This book was entertaining. I chuckled out loud a couple of times and smiled frequently. I listened to this as an audiobook while I walked. I am unsure if I would have been as successful in completing it in such a timely manner if I had read it instead of listened to it. Mindy herself read it and did an excellent job of it. In fact, her performance made the book for me.
Interest Level: 5-8
Reading Level: 5.6
Lexile: 582L
Genre: Fantasy
This dystopian adventure has a steampunk and fantasy flair. Piper lives alone as a scapper in the Merrow Kingdom. Her father died in a factory in the Dragonfly territories. But the arrival of a mysterious girl sends 13 year old Piper and her new friend on a dangerous journey.
I highly recommend this book. The plot has so many twists and turns. It keeps you on the edge of your seat. I am normally a slow reader but I finished this book in just over 2 weeks. I plan to read the next book in the series but have so many books that friends have given me as presents and they keep asking me if I have read them. This is why this book gets 4.5 stars instead of 5. If I simply had to read the next book, regardless of my friends, it would have gotten 5 stars.
Interest Level: 3-6
Reading Level: 5.4
Lexile: 530L
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Lucy Callahan is Lightning Girl. Struck by lightning when she was 8 years old,
she acquired crazy math skills. Homeschooled for 8 years until now, 12 years old. Lucy's guardian, her Nana, has decided Lucy needs to attend middle school. This young savant suffers from an obsessive-compulsive disorder. This story makes you fall in love with Lucy. You cry when she is bullied and cheer when she makes a friend. McAnulty ends the story perfectly. On those nights when I cannot fall asleep, I will continue to write Lucy's story until I do.
Interest Level: 3-6
Reading Level: 5.9
Lexile: 590L
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Fred (Winifred) comes to stay with a foster mother who lives nest to a neglect dog named Toby. Fred and Toby bond; and Fred discovers that they are not that different. This story of loss, love, and courage is wonderfully written. I didn't want the story to end. I want to know what happens next for Fred, Delia, and Fred's mother. I love, love, love this book. I highly recommend it!